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Extends Ext.Panel.
A Panel designed to hold a Ext.grid.GridPanel. It makes layers search by custom parameters.
Defined in: LayersGridPanel.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
A Panel designed to hold a Ext.grid.GridPanel.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
api: config[infoFormat] Default GFI INFO_FORMAT parameter, may be overruled per Layer object infoFormat WMS param.
api: config[map] A configured map or a configuration object
api: title Default title of the panel.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
searchFeature(productType, yearFrom, yearTo)
execute layer search and fill a gridPanel with the result
Class Detail
A Panel designed to hold a Ext.grid.GridPanel. It makes layers search by custom parameters.
Field Detail
{String} infoFormat
api: config[infoFormat] Default GFI INFO_FORMAT parameter, may be overruled per Layer object infoFormat WMS param. If not set the value ``application/vnd.ogc.gml`` will be used.

{OpenLayers.Map or Object} map
api: config[map] A configured map or a configuration object

{String} title
api: title Default title of the panel. If not set the value ``Feature Info`` will be used.
Method Detail
searchFeature(productType, yearFrom, yearTo)
execute layer search and fill a gridPanel with the result
{String} productType
type of product to search
{Number} yearFrom
search product for year
{Number} yearTo
search product to year
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