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Class Index
Iglesias, stradario

BonitaTasksReader json reader for bonitaTasks of cruscotto idt of Regione Sardegna

Catasto_XLSReader XSL reader for Catasto service of Regione Sardegna

DataExporter Define functions to help with data export.

DirectoryOpenLS_XLSReader XSL reader for toponimi search service of Regione Sardegna

DirectoryPOI_XLSReader XSL Reader for POI search service of Regione Sardegna

EnvelopesAerialPhotos_XLSReader XSL reader for toponimi search service of Regione Sardegna

EnvelopesObliquePhotos_XLSReader XSL reader for toponimi search service of Regione Sardegna

GenericWfs_XLSReader XSL reader for wms/wfs services

GeocoderOpenLS_XLSReader XSL reader for address search service of Regione Sardegna

MapServerReader json reader for count layers inside a set of mapServers

RoutingOpenLS_XLSReader XSL reader for rounting service of Regione Sardegna

CoordinateInputBox Creates a combo box that handles results from a geocoding service OpenLS.

DirectoryOpenLSComboBox Creates a combo box that handles results from a directory service OpenLS.

GenericWfsComboBox Creates a combo box that handles results from a directory service OpenLS.

GeocoderOpenLSComboBox Creates a combo box that handles results from a geocoding service OpenLS.

GeoNamesSearchCombo Creates a combo box that handles results from a directory service OpenLS.

ImagesLayersComboBox Creates a Combo to select the active layer of the map.

LayersComboBox Creates a Combo to select the active layer of the map.

OpenPOISearchCombo Creates a combo box that handles results from a OpenPOI service.

ActiveObliquePhotos Provides control for link to info application.

BaseLayerPlugin Combo to select the baselayer of the map.

BoxRouting Visual container

ClickableAttribution ClickableAttribution

GWCSource Plugin for using Geowebcache service

ImportLocalLayerAction Class to manage loads of local layer in several formats.

InfoAerialPhotos Provides control for link to info aerial photo.

InfoLinker Provides control for link to info application.

InfoMetaPopup InfoMetaPopup

LayerManager Plugin for adding a tree of layers with their legend

Login Show buttons and form to login and logout.

LoginIDM Show buttons and form to login and logout from IDM.

Logoff Show button for logout.

ManagementUsers Class to manage loads of local layer in several formats.

MapLinker Class for template and map saving management.

MenuPlugins Plugin that make a menu of plugins

MetaDataLinker Provides control for getting Latitude and Longitude of a click point.

PointMarker Provides actions for infoPoint controll.

PopUp Popup with offset position manager.

PrintMap Component that implements the print functionality extending the MapLinker behavior.

RASAddGroup Plugin for adding group to the TOC.

RASAddLayers Plugin for removing a selected layer from the map.

RASGroupNode Group node implementation.

RASSource Plugin for using service TMS for Regione Sardegna

RemoveNode Plugin for removing a selected node from the TOC.

ToolsAction Provides actions for OpenLayers.Control array in input.

WMSGetFeatureInfoLink Provides an action which, when active, will issue a GetFeatureInfo request to the WMS

ZoomBoxAction Provides actions for box zooming, zooming in and zooming out.

RASViewer Visual container

AppBox AppBox

CapabilitiesPanel Creates a form that handles results from a routing service OpenLS.

CatastoSearchPanel Creates a form that handles results from a routing service OpenLS.

ColumnChartWidtLegend ColumnChartWidtLegend

Compass Ccontrol to select an angle for 45° views

InfoObliquePosition Provides control for getting Latitude and Longitude of a click point.

InfoPoint Provides control for getting Latitude and Longitude of a click point.

SearchInBox Provides a search by drawing a box

SearchInPolygon Provides a search by drawing a polygon

ViewDirection Ccontrol to select an angle for 45° views

DescriptionsTableLayout DescriptionsTableLayout

DoubleMap Control for displaying a double map

DoubleMapLinker Class for template and map saving management.

DoublePrintMap Component that implements the print functionality extending the MapLinker behavior.

ToggleColumnButton Command for displaying/hiding one of two columns in a BoxLayout

ToggleMapsSyncButton Command for displaying/hiding one of two columns in a BoxLayout

ExportSearchPanel Creates a form that handles results from a routing service OpenLS.

PanelAddGroup Form-popup panel for addGroup action.

PanelMapOverview A panel showing overview map control of the OpenLayers library

PanelSearch Panel search engine container.

PoiDataPanel Panel search engine container.

RoutingPanel Creates a form that handles results from a routing service OpenLS.

FeatureGridPanel Show features both in a grid and on the map and have them selectable.

FeatureInfoPanel A Panel designed to hold WMS GetFeatureInfo (GFI) data for one or more WMS layers.

FeatureInfoPopup A Popup to hold the Panel designed to hold WMS GetFeatureInfo (GFI) data for one or more WMS layers.

FeatureSearchGridPanel A Panel designed to hold WMS GetFeatureInfo (GFI) data for one or more WMS layers.

LayersGridPanel A Panel designed to hold a Ext.grid.GridPanel.

TopAttributiDizioniDataPanel Panel search engine container.

TopDataPanel Panel search engine container.

TopDizioniDataPanel Panel search engine container.

LayerNode A subclass of 'Ext.tree.TreeNode' that is connected to an 'OpenLayers.Layer' by setting the node's layer property.

LayerNodeUI Layer node object.

© 2013 Regione Autonoma della Sardegna