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Class framework.plugins.ManagementUsers

Extends gxp.plugins.Tool.
Class to manage loads of local layer in several formats.
Defined in: ManagementUsers.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Class to manage loads of local layer in several formats.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The names of the css classes that define the icons of the buttons created
framework_importlocallayeraction plugin type.
Text for zoom in action tooltip (i18n).
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Adds actions to be performed on click.
Class Detail
Class to manage loads of local layer in several formats.
Field Detail
{String} iconCls
The names of the css classes that define the icons of the buttons created

{String} ptype
framework_importlocallayeraction plugin type.

{string} tooltipText
Text for zoom in action tooltip (i18n).
Method Detail
Adds actions to be performed on click.
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