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Class framework.plugins.PrintMap

Extends framework.plugins.MapLinker.
Component that implements the print functionality extending the MapLinker behavior.
Defined in: PrintMap.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Component that implements the print functionality extending the MapLinker behavior.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The prefix of the names of the css classes that define the print icon.
framework_printmap plugin type.
Text for zoom in action tooltip (i18n).
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
This method opens a new browser tab (or reloads the existing one) showing a map configured as saved in the confiiguration file by the MapLinker, but formatted to print it on A4 paper.
Class Detail
Component that implements the print functionality extending the MapLinker behavior. PrintMap redefines the action to perform after the save of map configuration at the moment started by the click on the print button. Also it overrides the CSS class that specifies the icon to put on the button with a print icon.
Field Detail
{String} iconClsPrefix
The prefix of the names of the css classes that define the print icon.

{String} ptype
framework_printmap plugin type.

{string} tooltipText
Text for zoom in action tooltip (i18n).
Method Detail
This method opens a new browser tab (or reloads the existing one) showing a map configured as saved in the confiiguration file by the MapLinker, but formatted to print it on A4 paper.
{number} id
Id of current map configuration
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