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Class framework.form.DirectoryOpenLSComboBox

Extends Ext.form.ComboBox.
Creates a combo box that handles results from a directory service OpenLS.
Defined in: DirectoryOpenLSComboBox.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a combo box that handles results from a directory service OpenLS.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The field to display in the combo box.
Editor geometry
Text to display for an empty field
If provided, a marker will be drawn on this layer with the location returned by the geocoder.
See, default value is 350.
See, default value is "Search in Geozet.
The field to get the location from.
paht for images marker, default value is "theme/app/img/".
api: config[infoFormat] maxFeatures for WFS service (query string parameter) Default 50
Minimum number of entered characters to trigger a search.
Delay before the search occurs.
define the mapping from xml to the store
api: config[GetFeature] Request type for WFS service (query string parameter) Default GetFeature
api: config[serviceType] Service type for catasto service (query string parameter) Default WFS
The srs used by the geocoder service.
api: config[typeName] typeName for WFS service (query string parameter)
URL template for querying the geocoding service.
api: config[urlCatasto] url for wfs catasto service
the authenticate user
Field from selected record to use when the combo's :meth:`getValue` method is called.
api: config[version] Version for WFS service (query string parameter) Default 1.0.0
See, default value is 240.
The minimum zoom level to use when zooming to a location.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Init the component creating a store and object'events.
Class Detail
Creates a combo box that handles results from a directory service OpenLS. By default it uses Directory OpenLS service by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (, but it can be configured with a custom store to use other services standard OpenLS. If the user enters a valid address in the search box, the combo's store will be populated with records that match the address.
Field Detail
{String} displayField
The field to display in the combo box. Default is "name" for instant use with the default store for this component.

{OpenLayers.Editor} editor
Editor geometry

{String} emptyText
Text to display for an empty field

{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} layer
If provided, a marker will be drawn on this layer with the location returned by the geocoder. The location will be cleared when the map panned.

{Number} listWidth
See, default value is 350.

{String} loadingText
See, default value is "Search in Geozet...".

{String} locationField
The field to get the location from. This field is supposed to contain an array of [x, y] for a location. Default is "lonlat" for instant use with the default store for this component.

{String} markersImgPath
paht for images marker, default value is "theme/app/img/".

{Number} maxFeatures
api: config[infoFormat] maxFeatures for WFS service (query string parameter) Default 50

{Number} minChars
Minimum number of entered characters to trigger a search. Default is 4.

{number} queryDelay
Delay before the search occurs. Default is 200ms.

{} reader
define the mapping from xml to the store

{String} requestType
api: config[GetFeature] Request type for WFS service (query string parameter) Default GetFeature

{String} serviceType
api: config[serviceType] Service type for catasto service (query string parameter) Default WFS

{String} srs
The srs used by the geocoder service. Default is "EPSG:3003".

{String} typeName
api: config[typeName] typeName for WFS service (query string parameter)

{String} url
URL template for querying the geocoding service. If a :obj:`store` is configured, this will be ignored. Note that the :obj:`queryParam` will be used to append the user's combo box input to the url. Default is "", for instant use with the OSM Nominatim geolocator. However, if you intend to use that, note the `Nominatim Usage Policy `_.

{String} urlWFS
api: config[urlCatasto] url for wfs catasto service

{} userAuthDS
the authenticate user

{String} valueField
Field from selected record to use when the combo's :meth:`getValue` method is called. Default is "bounds". This field is supposed to contain an array of [left, bottom, right, top] coordinates for a bounding box or [x, y] for a location.

{String} version
api: config[version] Version for WFS service (query string parameter) Default 1.0.0

{Number} width
See, default value is 240.

{number} zoom
The minimum zoom level to use when zooming to a location. Not used when zooming to a bounding box. Default is 12.
Method Detail

Init the component creating a store and object'events.


© 2013 Regione Autonoma della Sardegna