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Class framework.widgets.doublemap.ToggleMapsSyncButton

Extends Ext.Button.
Command for displaying/hiding one of two columns in a BoxLayout
Defined in: ToggleMapsSyncButton.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Command for displaying/hiding one of two columns in a BoxLayout.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
If border (true/false)
ID Button
Configured map1 (single map)
Configured map2 (double map)
Activate oblique photos
If pressed button
ID pressed class
Activate syncronized map
Text tooltip for sync maps
Text tooltip for unsync maps
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Method: disableButton
Method: enableButton
Method: setVisible
Class Detail
Command for displaying/hiding one of two columns in a BoxLayout. Used to display/hide second map in the main page
Field Detail
{Boolean} border
If border (true/false)

{String} enableToggle
ID Button

{OpenLayers.Map} map1
Configured map1 (single map)

{OpenLayers.Map} map2
Configured map2 (double map)

{Boolean} obliquePhotoActive
Activate oblique photos

{Boolean} pressed
If pressed button

{String} pressedCls
ID pressed class

{Boolean} syncActive
Activate syncronized map

{String} tooltipSync
Text tooltip for sync maps

{String} tooltipUnSync
Text tooltip for unsync maps
Method Detail
Method: disableButton

Method: enableButton

Method: setVisible
{Boolean} visible
set visibile
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