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Class GeoExt.tree.LayerNode

Extends Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode.
A subclass of 'Ext.tree.TreeNode' that is connected to an 'OpenLayers.Layer' by setting the node's layer property.
Defined in: RASLayerNode.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
A subclass of 'Ext.tree.TreeNode' that is connected to an 'OpenLayers.Layer' by setting the node's layer property.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Should this node automattically disable itself when the layer is out of range and enable itself when the layer is in range.
The layer that this layer node will be bound to, or the name of the layer (has to match the layer's name property).
The layer store containing the layer that this node represents.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Class Detail
A subclass of 'Ext.tree.TreeNode' that is connected to an 'OpenLayers.Layer' by setting the node's layer property. Checking or unchecking the checkbox of this node will directly affect the layer and vice versa. The default iconCls for this node's icon is "gx-tree-layer-icon", unless it has children. Setting the node's layer property to a layer name instead of an object will also work. As soon as a layer is found, it will be stored as layer property in the attributes hash. The node's text property defaults to the layer name. If the node has a checkedGroup attribute configured, it will be rendered with a radio button instead of the checkbox. The value of the checkedGroup attribute is a string, identifying the options group for the node. To use this node type in a ``TreePanel`` config, set ``nodeType`` to "gx_layer".
Field Detail
{boolean} autoDisable
Should this node automattically disable itself when the layer is out of range and enable itself when the layer is in range. Defaults to true, unless ``layer`` has ``isBaseLayer``==true or ``alwaysInRange``==true.

{OpenLayers.Layer/String} layer
The layer that this layer node will be bound to, or the name of the layer (has to match the layer's name property). If a layer name is provided, ``layerStore`` also has to be provided.

{} layerStore
The layer store containing the layer that this node represents. If set to "auto", the node will query the ComponentManager for a :class:`GeoExt.MapPanel`, take the first one it finds and take its layer store. This property is only required if ``layer`` is provided as a string.
Method Detail
{Object} config
object configuration
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