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Class framework.widgets.RoutingPanel

Extends Ext.form.FormPanel.
Creates a form that handles results from a routing service OpenLS.
Defined in: RoutingPanel.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a combo box that handles results from a geocoding service.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Cloudmade key used for the routing and geocoding services.
County code.
Distance units
Text for example first step search combo (i18n).
Text for example second step search combo (i18n).
Text for wait search (i18n).
Text for example start search combo (i18n).
Text for example stop search combo (i18n).
The combo box used for searching the end point In order to work, the combo needs to have a propoerty locationString: lat,lon (WGS 84, example: locationString: '47.25976,9.58423') assigned depending of the searched position See geocoding_type for the proposed combo.
Type of EPSG used for the computation.
Exact street name for service routing openls.
Format Type for response service routing openls.
Maximum number of rows returned by the cloudmade geocoding service.
Geocoding query param used for cloudmade geocoding service.
Geocoding type.
Geocoding url of the cloudmade geocoding service.
Text for Google Itinerary by car with Google Service (i18n).
Text for Google Itinerary on foot with Google Service (i18n).
Text for Google Itinerary by public transport with Google Service (i18n).
Text for title Google Service (i18n).
Path image for the first step point in the search form.
Path image for the second step point in the search form.
Path image for the start point in the search form.
Path image for the end point in the search form.
Text for label fastest (i18n).
Text for label pedestrian (i18n).
Text for label shortest (i18n).
Language (used for the routing)
Configured map for rounting
Text for message "not found" (i18n).
Path folder image for the route instruction.
Normal mode and print mode have different views.
Proxy to make the search request.
Read the permalink in the url if presents
Computation route type.
Route preferenze for openls routing.
Point feature storing the end point, if digitized by the user.
Layer presenting the routing result geometry.
Line feature storing the routing path.
Line feature storing the routing path for Point of Interest and Route.
Control to get start and end feature
Projection of routing system.
Defines if the map is recentered after routing computation.
Panel presenting the computation result
Routing route geometry of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation See Cloudmade specific.
Routing route instruction of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation See Cloudmade specific
Routing route summary of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation See Cloudmade specific.
Type of routing service used for the computation.
Type of routing service used for the computation.
Point feature storing the start point, if digitized by the user.
Routing status of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation See Cloudmade specific.
Routing status message of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation See Cloudmade specific.
Store for toring the routing results
Vector style of the routing path
Vector style of the routing path to Route from POI
Routing version of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation See Cloudmade specific.
Point feature storing the first step, if digitized by the user.
Point feature storing the second step, if digitized by the user.
Path length (in km) up to which is allowed to search for POIs located near a path resulting from a search.
Zoom level above which is allowed to search for POIs located near a path resulting from a search.
Define if the google itinerary links are shown in the result panel.
Define if the poi search panel is shown in the result panel.
Type of Spatial Reference used for the computation.
The combo box used for searching the start point In order to work, the combo needs to have a propoerty locationString: lat,lon (WGS 84, example: locationString: '47.25976,9.58423') assigned depending of the searched position See geocoding_type for the proposed combo.
Text button for add step combo (i18n).
Text for delete first step compo (i18n).
Text for delete second step combo (i18n).
Text button for invert search routing (i18n).
Text button for search routing (i18n).
Text button for search poi on route.
Text for error message routing service.
Text for insert all field.
Text for processing routing (i18n).
Text for label first step point (i18n).
Text for label second step point (i18n).
Text for title result path routing (i18n).
Text for label start point (i18n).
Text for label end point (i18n).
Text for title route instruction (i18n).
Type image for the route instruction.
Vector style of the first step point
Vector style of the second step point
Vector style of the start point
Vector style of the end point
The query parameter for the user entered search text (openls routing)
Class Detail
Creates a combo box that handles results from a geocoding service. By default it uses Directory OpenLS service by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, but it can be configured with a custom store to use other services standard OpenLS. If the user enters a valid address in the search box, the combo's store will be populated with records that match the address.
Field Detail
{base url image} baseUrlImg

{string} cloudmadeKey
Cloudmade key used for the routing and geocoding services. Default null.

{string} countryCode
County code. Default italian. "IT" - Italiano "EN" - Inglese

{string} distanceUnit
Distance units

{string} emptyTextPointOne
Text for example first step search combo (i18n).

{string} emptyTextPointTwo
Text for example second step search combo (i18n).

{string} emptyTextSearch
Text for wait search (i18n).

{string} emptyTextStart
Text for example start search combo (i18n).

{string} emptyTextStop
Text for example stop search combo (i18n).

{Ext.form.ComboBox} endLocationCombo
The combo box used for searching the end point In order to work, the combo needs to have a propoerty locationString: lat,lon (WGS 84, example: locationString: '47.25976,9.58423') assigned depending of the searched position See geocoding_type for the proposed combo.

{string} epsgOutput
Type of EPSG used for the computation. Per default: '4326' 3003 - Gauss-Boaga (Roma40) fuso Ovest 32632 - UTM (WGS84) fuso 32N 4326 - WGS84 - geografico

{string ('true' or 'false')} exactStreetName
Exact street name for service routing openls. Default 'false'.

{string} formatType
Format Type for response service routing openls. Default text. "TEXT_TYPE" Testo "HTML_TYPE" HTML

{number} geocodingMaxRows
Maximum number of rows returned by the cloudmade geocoding service. Per default: 20

{string} geocodingQueryParam
Geocoding query param used for cloudmade geocoding service. Per default: 'query'

{string} geocodingType
Geocoding type. Per default: 'cloudmade'. Can also be 'geonames' or 'openls'.

{string} geocodingUrl
Geocoding url of the cloudmade geocoding service.

{string} googleItineraryCar
Text for Google Itinerary by car with Google Service (i18n).

{string} googleItineraryFoot
Text for Google Itinerary on foot with Google Service (i18n).

{string} googleItineraryTransport
Text for Google Itinerary by public transport with Google Service (i18n).

{string} googleTitle
Text for title Google Service (i18n).

{string} ImgPointOneForm
Path image for the first step point in the search form.

{string} ImgPointTwoForm
Path image for the second step point in the search form.

{string} ImgStartForm
Path image for the start point in the search form.

{string} ImgStopForm
Path image for the end point in the search form.

{string} labelFastest
Text for label fastest (i18n).

{string} labelPedestrian
Text for label pedestrian (i18n).

{string} labelShortest
Text for label shortest (i18n).

{string} lang
Language (used for the routing)

{string} language
Language. Default italian. "it-IT" - Italiano "en-US" - Inglese

{OpenLayers.Map} map
Configured map for rounting
Defined in: CapabilitiesPanel.js.

{string} msgNoFound
Text for message "not found" (i18n).

{string} pathImgStep
Path folder image for the route instruction.

{string} printMode
Normal mode and print mode have different views.

{string} proxy
Proxy to make the search request. default null.

{OpenLayers.Projection} readPermalink
Read the permalink in the url if presents

{string} route_typeCloudmade
Computation route type. Per default: car. Can be 'foot' or 'bicycle'.

{string} routePreference
Route preferenze for openls routing. Default "Fastest". Shortest - Percorso più corto (default) Fastest - Percorso più veloce Pedestrian - Percorso a piedi

{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} routingEndFeature
Point feature storing the end point, if digitized by the user.

{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} routingLayer
Layer presenting the routing result geometry. Per default, a layer named "Routing" will be created.

{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} routingPathFeature
Line feature storing the routing path.

{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} routingPathFeaturePOI
Line feature storing the routing path for Point of Interest and Route.

{OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature} routingPointDrawControl
Control to get start and end feature

{OpenLayers.Projection} routingProjection
Projection of routing system.

{boolean} routingRecenterMap
Defines if the map is recentered after routing computation. Per default, yes.

{Ext.Panel} routingResultPanel
Panel presenting the computation result

{string} routingRouteGeometryCloudmade
Routing route geometry of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation See Cloudmade specific. Default null.

{string} routingRouteInstructionsCloudmade
Routing route instruction of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation See Cloudmade specific

{string} routingRouteSummaryCloudmade
Routing route summary of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation See Cloudmade specific. Default null.

{string} routingServiceType
Type of routing service used for the computation. Per default: 'cloudmade'. Can also be 'openls'.

{string} routingServiceURL
Type of routing service used for the computation. Per default: ''. Can also be ''

{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} routingStartFeature
Point feature storing the start point, if digitized by the user.

{string} routingStatusCloudmade
Routing status of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation See Cloudmade specific. Default null.

{string} routingStatusMessageCloudmade
Routing status message of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation See Cloudmade specific. Default null.

{} routingStore
Store for toring the routing results

{Vector Style} routingStyle
Vector style of the routing path

{Vector Style} routingStylePOI
Vector style of the routing path to Route from POI

{string} routingVersionCloudmade
Routing version of the routing service, available after an itinerary computation See Cloudmade specific. Default null.

{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} routingVia1Feature
Point feature storing the first step, if digitized by the user.

{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} routingVia2Feature
Point feature storing the second step, if digitized by the user.

{string} searchKmLimit
Path length (in km) up to which is allowed to search for POIs located near a path resulting from a search. This properties has lower precedence respect to searchZoomLimit

{string} searchZoomLimit
Zoom level above which is allowed to search for POIs located near a path resulting from a search. This properties has higher precedence respect to searchKmLimit

{boolean} showGoogleItinerary
Define if the google itinerary links are shown in the result panel. Default yes.

{boolean} showPoiSearch
Define if the poi search panel is shown in the result panel. Default yes.

{string} srs
Type of Spatial Reference used for the computation. Per default: 'EPSG:4326'

{Ext.form.ComboBox} startLocationCombo
The combo box used for searching the start point In order to work, the combo needs to have a propoerty locationString: lat,lon (WGS 84, example: locationString: '47.25976,9.58423') assigned depending of the searched position See geocoding_type for the proposed combo.
Defined in: CapabilitiesPanel.js.

{string} textButtonAddPoint
Text button for add step combo (i18n).

{string} textButtonHiddenPointOne
Text for delete first step compo (i18n).

{string} textButtonHiddenPointTwo
Text for delete second step combo (i18n).

{string} textButtonInvSearch
Text button for invert search routing (i18n).

{string} textButtonSearch
Text button for search routing (i18n).

{string} textButtonSearhPoi
Text button for search poi on route.

{string} textMsgErrorService
Text for error message routing service.

{string} textMsgNoText
Text for insert all field.

{string} textMsgRounting
Text for processing routing (i18n).

{string} textTitlePointOne
Text for label first step point (i18n).

{string} textTitlePointTwo
Text for label second step point (i18n).

{string} textTitleResultPath
Text for title result path routing (i18n).

{string} textTitleStart
Text for label start point (i18n).

{string} textTitleStop
Text for label end point (i18n).

{string} titlePath
Text for title route instruction (i18n).

{string} typeImgStep
Type image for the route instruction.

{Vector Style} vectorStyle1
Vector style of the first step point

{Vector Style} vectorStyle2
Vector style of the second step point

{Vector Style} vectorStyleA
Vector style of the start point

{Vector Style} vectorStyleB
Vector style of the end point



{string} xmlRequest
The query parameter for the user entered search text (openls routing)
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