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Class framework.widgets.PanelMapOverview

Extends Ext.Panel.
A panel showing overview map control of the OpenLayers library
Defined in: PanelMapOverview.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
A panel showing overview map control of the OpenLayers library (Class OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap).
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to '').
Come from Ext.Panel.
Come from Ext.Panel.
Come from Ext.BoxComponent.
Come from Ext.Component.
Ordered list of layers in the overview map.
Specifico per SardegnaMappe: consente di specificare un id diverso per il contenitore della mappa di overview
The max extent of the overview map
The ratio of the overview map resolution to the main map resolution at which to zoom farther in on the overview map.
The max resolution of the overview map
The ratio of the overview map resolution to the main map resolution at which to zoom farther out on the overview map.
The min resolution of the overview map
Come from Ext.Panel.
Come from Ext.BoxComponent.
Class Detail
A panel showing overview map control of the OpenLayers library (Class OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap). This control creates a small overview map, useful to display the extent of a zoomed map and your main map and provide additional navigation options to the User. This implementation, by default, place the panel, with the overview map control, in the lower right corner of the main map, without any spacing and with a body transparency. This configuration is obtained by the use of a style sheet. By default the panel is collapsed and collapsible, and its height and width are 180px x 150px. You can pass a custom layer as a base map to show in the overview map control.
Field Detail
{String} cls
An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.

{boolean} collapsed
Come from Ext.Panel. true to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded (defaults to false).

{boolean} collapsible
Come from Ext.Panel. True to make the panel collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered into the header tool button area, false to keep the panel statically sized with no button (defaults to false).

{number} height
Come from Ext.BoxComponent. The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). Note to express this dimension as a percentage or offset see Ext.Component#anchor.

{String} html
Come from Ext.Component. An HTML fragment, or a {@link Ext.DomHelper DomHelper} specification to use as the layout element content (defaults to ''). The HTML content is added after the component is rendered, so the document will not contain this HTML at the time the #render event is fired. This content is inserted into the body before any configured #contentEl is appended.

{Array()} layersOverview
Ordered list of layers in the overview map. If none are sent at construction, the layer called ``basic`` of the WMS service from the URL ````.

Specifico per SardegnaMappe: consente di specificare un id diverso per il contenitore della mappa di overview

{Array} maxExtent
The max extent of the overview map

{float} maxRatio
The ratio of the overview map resolution to the main map resolution at which to zoom farther in on the overview map.

{float} maxResolution
The max resolution of the overview map

{float} minRatio
The ratio of the overview map resolution to the main map resolution at which to zoom farther out on the overview map.

{float} minResolution
The min resolution of the overview map

{String} title
Come from Ext.Panel. The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to display in the panel #header (defaults to ''). When a title is specified the #header element will automatically be created and displayed unless #header is explicitly set to false. If you do not want to specify a title at config time, but you may want one later, you must either specify a non-empty title (a blank space ' ' will do) or header:true so that the container element will get created.

{Number} width
Come from Ext.BoxComponent. The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto). Note to express this dimension as a percentage or offset see Ext.Component#anchor.
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