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Extends GeoExt.Popup.
A Popup to hold the Panel designed to hold WMS GetFeatureInfo (GFI) data for one or more WMS layers.
Defined in: FeatureInfoPopup.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
A Popup to hold the Panel designed to hold WMS GetFeatureInfo (GFI) data for one or more WMS layers.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
api: config[anchored] ``Boolean`` The popup will show where the the clicked or where the mouse stopped.
api: config[hideonmove] The popup will hide if hideonmove parameter is ``true``.
Image icon button.
api: config[layer] The layer to get feature information from.
Class Detail
A Popup to hold the Panel designed to hold WMS GetFeatureInfo (GFI) data for one or more WMS layers.
Field Detail
{Boolean} anchored
api: config[anchored] ``Boolean`` The popup will show where the the clicked or where the mouse stopped.

{Boolean} hideonmove
api: config[hideonmove] The popup will hide if hideonmove parameter is ``true``. Will be ``false`` if not set. This parameter only applies when hover is ``true``.

{String} iconButton
Image icon button.

{String} layer
api: config[layer] The layer to get feature information from. Parameter value will be ``""`` if not set. If not set, all visible layers of the map will be searched. In case the drillDown parameter is ``false``, the topmost visible layer will searched.
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