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Class framework.widgets.doublemap.DoubleMapLinker

Extends gxp.plugins.Tool.
Class for template and map saving management.
Defined in: DoubleMapLinker.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Class for template and map saving management.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
the base Ajax Url for ajax request default ""
the custom Url for saved map default ""
featureLayers container
Css class for icon.
The prefix of the names of the css classes that define the icons of the buttons created to activate the mapLinker.
Together with 'iconClsPrefix' define the icons of the buttons created
Text for zoom in action tooltip (i18n).
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Requests a digest based on client ip.
Adds actions to be performed on click.
Get serialization of data to be saved.
Saves a map serializing its content in json creating a new map id.
saveTemplate(templateName, forceWrite)
Saves a template serializing its content in json.
Shows a window containg a link for template/map sharing.
Function to be override to change the default behavior.
Class Detail
Class for template and map saving management. Calls servlet for digest creation and file storing on server side.
Field Detail
{String} baseUrl
the base Ajax Url for ajax request default ""

{String} customUrl
the custom Url for saved map default ""

{Array(Object)} featureLayers
featureLayers container

{String} iconCls
Css class for icon.

{String} iconClsPrefix
The prefix of the names of the css classes that define the icons of the buttons created to activate the mapLinker. You must define a class in your CSS file called with the value of the expression this.iconClsPrefix+this.mode that specifies the above mentioned icon.

{String} mode
Together with 'iconClsPrefix' define the icons of the buttons created

{string} tooltip
Text for zoom in action tooltip (i18n).
Method Detail
Requests a digest based on client ip.
{function} onSuccess
function to be called when the digest has been received

Adds actions to be performed on click.

Get serialization of data to be saved.

Saves a map serializing its content in json creating a new map id.

saveTemplate(templateName, forceWrite)
Saves a template serializing its content in json.
{String} templateName
name of template to be saved
{boolan} forceWrite
write file whitout prompting even it already exists

Shows a window containg a link for template/map sharing.
{String} name
Name of template/map saved


Function to be override to change the default behavior.
{number} id
id of current map configuration
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