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Class framework.widgets.PanelAddGroup

Extends Ext.Panel.
Form-popup panel for addGroup action.
Defined in: PanelAddGroup.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Form-popup panel for addGroup action
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Text for submit button item (i18n).
text for required field (i18n).
bodyStyle sets the padding to 0px default padding = 5px
Text for reset button item (i18n).
label text for import file (i18n).
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Init the component creating a form panel to manage addGroup request.
Class Detail
Form-popup panel for addGroup action
Field Detail
{string} addGroupText
Text for submit button item (i18n).

{string} blankText
text for required field (i18n).

{string} bodyStyle
bodyStyle sets the padding to 0px default padding = 5px

{string} cancelText
Text for reset button item (i18n).

{string} fieldLabel
label text for import file (i18n).
Method Detail
Init the component creating a form panel to manage addGroup request.
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