1 /**
  2  * @require framework/widgets/form/MultipleInputField.js
  3  */
  5 /**
  6  * @namespace framework.widgets
  7  */
  8 Ext.namespace("framework.widgets"),
  9         /** 
 10          *  Panel search engine container.
 11          *  This implementation manage different search engine. 
 12          *  By default, place a comboBox to switch different search engine components located inside the panel. 
 13          *  @name_ PanelSearch 
 14          *  @class Panel search engine container.
 15          *  @constructor
 16          *  @extends <a target="_blank" href="http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.1.3/#!/api/Ext.panel.Panel">Ext.Panel</a>
 17          */
 18         framework.widgets.PoiDataPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Window, {
 19             /**
 20              * The Servlet name used to get Poi Term-Category information
 21              * @type String
 22              */
 23             poiTermCatServeltName: 'POIManagingServlet',
 24             id: 'IDPoiDataPanel',
 25             layout: 'fit',
 26             width: 500,
 27             height: 400,
 28             title: 'Punto di interesse',
 29             closable: false,
 30             resizable: true,
 31             plain: true,
 32             border: false,
 33             x: 20,
 34             y: 40,
 35             initCat: null,
 36             /** api: config[urlService]
 37              *  
 38              *  url to proxy for authenticate http calls
 39              *  @public
 40              *  @type String
 41              */
 42             urlProxy: '',
 43             /** api: config[urlCatasto]
 44              *  
 45              *  url for wfs catasto service
 46              *  @public
 47              *  @type String
 48              */
 49             urlWFS: '/geoserver/ows?',
 50             /** api: config[serviceType]
 51              *  
 52              *  Service type for catasto service (query string parameter)
 53              *  Default WFS
 54              *  @public
 55              *  @type String
 56              */
 57             serviceType: 'WFS',
 58             /** api: config[version]
 59              *  
 60              *  Version for WFS service (query string parameter)
 61              *  Default 1.0.0
 62              *  @public
 63              *  @type String
 64              */
 65             version: '1.0.0',
 66             /** api: config[GetFeature]
 67              *  
 68              *  Request type for WFS service (query string parameter)
 69              *  Default GetFeature
 70              *  @public
 71              *  @type String
 72              */
 73             requestType: 'GetFeature',
 74             /** api: config[typeName]
 75              * 
 76              *  typeName for WFS service (query string parameter)
 77              *  @public
 78              *  @type String
 79              */
 81              typeName: 'dbu:limitiamministrcomunali', // dbu:LIMITIAMMINISTRCOMUNALI
 82              nameGeometry: 'geom', // POLIGONO
 83              properties_nome: 'nome', // NOME
 84              properties_istat: 'codiceist1', //CODICEISTATCOMUNALE
 85             /** api: config[infoFormat]
 86              *  
 87              *  maxFeatures for WFS service (query string parameter)
 88              *  Default 50
 89              *  @public
 90              *  @type String
 91              */
 92             maxFeatures: 5,
 93             /** api: config[geometryFields]
 94              *  
 95              *  fields from service answer to be transformed on OpenLayers.Bounds
 96              *  @public
 97              *  @type Array of String
 98              */
 99             geometryFields: null,
100             srs: 'EPSG:300',
101             poiFeature: null,
102             poiFeatureNew: null,
103             /**
104              * paht for images marker,
105              * default value is "theme/app/img/".
106              * @public
107              * @type String
108              */
109             markersImgPath: 'theme/app/img/',
110             click: null,
111             checkControlClick: false,
112             userAuthDS: null,
114             termsDefaultValue: null,
115             categoryDefaultValue: null,
117             destroy: function() {
118                 framework.widgets.PoiDataPanel.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
119             },
120             initComponent: function() {
122                 OpenLayers.Control.Click = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
123                     defaultHandlerOptions: {
124                         'single': true,
125                         'double': false,
126                         'pixelTolerance': 0,
127                         'stopSingle': false,
128                         'stopDouble': false
129                     },
130                     initialize: function(options) {
131                         this.handlerOptions = OpenLayers.Util.extend(
132                                 {}, this.defaultHandlerOptions
133                                 );
134                         OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(
135                                 this, arguments
136                                 );
137                         this.handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Click(
138                                 this, {
139                                     'click': this.trigger
140                                 }, this.handlerOptions
141                                 );
142                     },
143                     trigger: function(e) {
144                         Ext.getCmp('categoryFormID').fireEvent('modPositionPOI', e);
145                     }
147                 });
149                 this.click = new OpenLayers.Control.Click();
152                 this.termsDs = new Ext.data.Store({
153                     url: this.poiTermCatServeltName,
154                     baseParams: {method: 'getTerms'},
155                     reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
156                         root: 'terms',
157                         totalProperty: 'totalCount',
158                         id: 'myId'
159                     }, [
160                         {name: 'myid', mapping: 'myid'},
161                         {name: 'term', mapping: 'term'},
162                         {name: 'termIt', mapping: 'termIt'}
163                     ]),
164                     listeners: {
165                         load: function() {
166                         },
167                         scope: this
168                     }
169                 });
170                 this.termsDs.on(
171                         'load', function(store) {   // store is equivalent to this.termsDs
172                             var i = 0;
173                             var itemFound = false;
174                             while ((i < store.data.items.length) && (!itemFound)) {
175                                 if (store.data.items[i++].data.term === this.termsDefaultValue) {
176                                     this._categoryform.items.items[4].setValue(this.termsDefaultValue);
177                                     itemFound = true;
178                                 }
179                             }
180                             if (itemFound) {
181                                 this.categoryByTermDs.baseParams['term'] = store.data.items[i-1].data.term;
182                                 this.categoryByTermDs.reload();
183                                 this.initCat = this.categoryDefaultValue;
184                             }
185                 }, this);
187                 //POIManagingServlet?method=getRUserCat&user=C86A1DE0B51D45B2A4B5ADFC27CD51ED
189                 this.categoryByTermDs = new Ext.data.Store({
190                     url: this.poiTermCatServeltName,
191                     baseParams: {method: 'getCategoriesByTerm'},
192                     reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
193                         root: 'categories',
194                         totalProperty: 'totalCount',
195                         id: 'id'
196                     }, [
197                         {name: 'id', mapping: 'id'},
198                         {name: 'term', mapping: 'term'},
199                         {name: 'category', mapping: 'category'},
200                         {name: 'termIt', mapping: 'termIt'},
201                         {name: 'categoryIt', mapping: 'categoryIt'},
202                         {name: 'valid', mapping: 'valid'}
203                     ]),
204                     listeners: {
205                         load: function() {
206                             if (this.initCat) {
207                                 var idCat = this.categoryByTermDs.find("category", this.initCat);
208                                 if(idCat == -1)
209                                     idCat = this.categoryByTermDs.find("categoryIt", this.initCat);
210                                 if(idCat > -1)
211                                     this._categoryform.getForm().items.items[5].setValue(this.categoryByTermDs.getAt(idCat).data.category);
212                                 this.initCat = null;
213                             }
214                         },
215                         scope: this
216                     }
217                 });
218 //                this.categoryByTermDs.on(
219 //                        'load', function(store) {   // store is equivalent to this.termsDs
220 //                            var i = 0;
221 //                            var itemFound = false;
222 //                            while ((i < store.data.items.length) && (!itemFound)) {
223 //                                if (store.data.items[i++].data.category === this.categoryDefaultValue) {
224 //                                    this._categoryform.items.items[5].setValue(this.categoryDefaultValue);
225 //                                    itemFound = true;
226 //                                }
227 //                            }
228 //                }, this);
230                 this.categoryByUserDs = new Ext.data.Store({
231                     url: this.poiTermCatServeltName,
232                     baseParams: {method: 'getCat4User'},
233                     reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
234                         root: 'categories',
235                         totalProperty: 'totalCount',
236                         id: 'id'
237                     }, [
238                         {name: 'id', mapping: 'id'},
239                         {name: 'term', mapping: 'term'},
240                         {name: 'category', mapping: 'category'},
241                         {name: 'termIt', mapping: 'termIt'},
242                         {name: 'categoryIt', mapping: 'categoryIt'},
243                         {name: 'valid', mapping: 'valid'}
244                     ]),
245                     listeners: {
246                         load: function() {
247                              this.checkPermission();
248                         },
249                         scope: this
250                     }
251                 });
254                 var _self = this;
256                 this._categoryform = new Ext.FormPanel({
257                     labelWidth: 100,
258                     frame: true,
259                     defaultType: 'textfield',
260                     id: 'categoryFormID',
261 //          monitorValid: true,
262                     standardSubmit: false,
263                     layout: 'form',
264                     listeners: {
265                         modPositionPOI: function(e) {
267                             this.fireEvent('modPositionPOI', e);
269                             var lonlat = e.object.getLonLatFromPixel(e.xy);
270                             this.updateCoord(lonlat);
271                             this.updateISTAT(lonlat);
272                         },
273                         scope: this
274                     },
275                     items: [{
276                             id: 'poiName',
277                             fieldLabel: 'Nome',
278                             name: 'label',
279                             width: 350,
280                             blankText : _self.blankText,
281                             allowBlank: false
282                         }, {
283                             id: 'poiUpdate',
284                             xtype: 'displayfield',
285                             //  fieldLabel: 'update',
286                             name: 'update',
287                             width: 350
288                         }, {
289                             xtype: 'radiogroup',
290                             // fieldLabel: 'Auto Layout',
291                             name: 'public',
292                             id: 'public',
293                             width: 350,
294                           //  height: 18,
295                           //  columns: [170, 170],
296                             items: [
297                                 {boxLabel: 'Online', name: 'rb-auto', inputValue: 1},
298                                 {boxLabel: 'Offline', name: 'rb-auto', inputValue: 2, checked: true}
299                             ]
300                         }, {
301                             id: 'poiDescr',
302                             xtype: 'textarea',
303                             fieldLabel: 'Descrizione',
304                             name: 'descriptions',
305                             width: 350,
306                             allowBlank: true
307                         }, {
308                             id: 'poiTerm',
309                             xtype: 'combo',
310                             name: 'term',
311                             mode: 'local',
312                             editable: false,
313                             store: this.termsDs,
314                             valueField: 'term',
315                             displayField: 'termIt',
316                             width: 350,
317                             blankText : _self.blankText,
318                             emptyText: 'Seleziona una tipologia...',
319                             fieldLabel: 'Tipologia',
320                             hiddenName: 'term',
321                             triggerAction: 'all',
322                             allowBlank: false,
323                             listeners: {
324                                 select: function(combo, record, index) {
325                                     var term = record.data.term;
326                                     Ext.getCmp('poiCategory').setValue(undefined);//sbianco la combo delle categorie
327                                     _self.categoryByTermDs.baseParams = _self.categoryByTermDs.baseParams || {};
328                                     _self.categoryByTermDs.baseParams['term'] = term;
329                                     _self.categoryByTermDs.reload();
330                                 }
331                             }
332                         }, {
333                             id: 'poiCategory',
334                             xtype: 'combo',
335                             name: 'category',
336                             mode: 'local',
337                             editable: false,
338                             store: this.categoryByTermDs,
339                             valueField: 'category',
340                             displayField: 'categoryIt',
341                             width: 350,
342                             blankText : _self.blankText,
343                             emptyText: 'Seleziona una categoria...',
344                             fieldLabel: 'Categoria',
345                             hiddenName: 'category',
346                             triggerAction: 'all',
347                             allowBlank: false,
348                             lastQuery: '',
349                             listeners: {
350                                 select: function(combo, record, index) {
351                                     _self.checkPermission();
352                                 }
353                             }
355                         }, {
356                             id: 'poiAddress',
357                             fieldLabel: 'Indirizzo/Località',
358                             name: 'address',
359                             width: 350,
360                             allowBlank: true
361                         }, {
362                             id: 'poiComune',
363                             xtype: 'displayfield',
364                             fieldLabel: 'Comune',
365                             name: 'comune',
366                             width: 350,
367                             allowBlank: false
368                         }, {
369                             id: 'poiISTAT',
370                             hidden: true,
371                             fieldLabel: 'ISTAT',
372                             name: 'istat',
373                             width: 350,
374                             allowBlank: false
375                         }, {id: 'longitude', xtype: 'hidden', name: 'x'}, {id: 'latitude', xtype: 'hidden', name: 'y'}, {
376                             id: 'poiCoord',
377                             xtype: 'displayfield',
378                             fieldLabel: 'Coordinate',
379                             name: 'coordinates',
380                             width: 350,
381                             allowBlank: false
382                         },
383                         {
384                             id: 'poiRes',
385                             xtype: 'framework_multipleinputfield',
386                             fieldLabel: 'Risorse esterne',
387                             groupName: 'poiRes',
388                             name: 'link',
389                             width: 350,
390                             allowBlank: true
391                         }],
392                     buttons: [{
393                             text: 'Annulla',
394                             handler: function() {
395                                 //  _self.hide();
396                                 if (_self.poiFeatureNew) {
397                                     _self.poiFeatureNew.style.display = false; // hide
398                                     if (_self.poiFeatureNew.layer && !_self.poiFeatureNew.isPoisExternal)
399                                         _self.poiFeatureNew.layer.removeAllFeatures();
400                                 }
401                                 if (_self.poiFeature) {
402                                     _self.poiFeature.style.display = true; // show
403                                     _self.poiFeature.layer.redraw();
404                                     _self.poiFeature.layer.map.moveTo(_self.poiFeature.geometry.bounds.getCenterLonLat(), 12);
405                                 }
406                                 _self.hide();
407                                 _self.click.deactivate();
408                                 //  _self.destroy();
409                             }
410                         }, {
411                             text: 'Salva',
412                             id: 'btnSavePOI',
413                             disabled: true,
414                             handler: function() {
416                                 var xy = _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('coordinates').getValue();
417                                 var x = _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('longitude').getValue();
418                                 var y = _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('latitude').getValue();
419                                 var lbl = this.text = _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('label').getValue();
420                                 ///
421                                 var term = this.term = _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('term').getValue();
422                                 var termIdx = _self.termsDs.find('term', term);
423                                 var termIT = (termIdx < 0) ? "" : _self.termsDs.getAt(termIdx).data.termIt;
424                                 //
425                                 var cat = _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('category').getValue();
427                                 var catIdx,catIT;
428                                 if (cat) {
429                                     catIdx = _self.categoryByTermDs.find('category', cat);
430                                     catIT = (termIdx < 0) ? "" : _self.categoryByTermDs.getAt(catIdx).data.categoryIt;
431                                 }
432                                 else
433                                     catIT = null;
435                                 //  var catEng = (catIdx < 0) ? "" : _self.categoryByTermDs.getAt(catIdx).data.category;
436                                 //
437                                 var descr = _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('descriptions').getValue();
438                                 var address = _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('address').getValue();
439                                 var comune = _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('comune').getValue();
440                                 var istat = _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('istat').getValue();
442                                 var external = _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('poiRes').getValue();
443                                 var publicPoiObj = _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('public').getValue();
444                                 var publicPoi = this.publicPoi = (publicPoiObj.inputValue === 1) ? 1 : 0;
445                                 var author = _self.userAuthDS.myid;
447                                 var i = 0;
448                                 var extLink = (external) ? external : '';
450                                 while (_self._categoryform.getForm().findField('poiRes_' + i)) {
451                                     external = _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('poiRes_' + i).getValue();
452                                     if (external)
453                                         extLink += '>' + external;
454                                     i++;
455                                 }
456                                 if (_self.poiFeature)
457                                     var myid = _self.poiFeature.poiUUID;
458                                 else
459                                     var myid = null;
461                                 if (lbl && termIT && catIT) {
463                                     if (!this.busyMask) {
464                                         try{
465                                             _self.busyMask = new Ext.LoadMask(
466                                                     _self.poiFeatureNew.layer.map.div, {
467                                                         msg: 'Operazione in corso ...'
468                                                     }
469                                             );
470                                          }catch(error){}
471                                     };
473                                     if(_self.busyMask)
474                                         _self.busyMask.show();
476                                     Ext.Ajax.request({
477                                         url: 'POIManagingServlet',
478                                         headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' },
479                                         method: 'POST',
480                                         params: {
481                                             method: 'savePoi',
482                                             myid: myid,
483                                             term: term,
484                                             termIt: termIT,
485                                             cat: cat,
486                                             catIt: catIT,
487                                             descr: descr,
488                                             comune: comune,
489                                             istat: istat,
490                                             addr: address,
491                                             ext: extLink,
492                                             xy: xy,
493                                             x: x,
494                                             y: y,
495                                             author: author,
496                                             publicPoi: publicPoi,
497                                             label: lbl
498                                         },
499                                         success: function(data) {
500                                             if(_self.busyMask)
501                                                 _self.busyMask.hide();
502                                             var resp = Ext.util.JSON.decode(data.responseText);
503                                             if (resp.success) {
504                                                 Ext.Msg.alert('Info', resp.msg);
506                                                 var x = _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('longitude').getValue();
507                                                 var y = _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('latitude').getValue();
508                                                 var pos = new OpenLayers.LonLat(x, y)
510                                                 if (_self.poiFeatureNew) {
512                                                     if (this.publicPoi)
513                                                         var icon = "poi/icon_poi_" + this.term + ".png";
514                                                     else
515                                                         var icon = "poi/icon_poi_nopublic.png";
516                                                     _self.poiFeatureNew.style.externalGraphic = _self.markersImgPath + icon;
517                                                     _self.poiFeatureNew.style.graphicWidth = 25;
518                                                     _self.poiFeatureNew.style.graphicHeight = 25;
519                                                     _self.poiFeatureNew.style.graphicYOffset = 0;
520                                                     _self.poiFeatureNew.style.graphicZIndex = 1000;
521                                                     _self.poiFeatureNew.text = this.text;
523                                                     _self.poiFeatureNew.layer.redraw();
524                                                 }
526                                                 if (_self.poiFeature) {
527                                                     _self.poiFeature.style.display = true; // show                     
528                                                     _self.poiFeature.move(pos);
529                                                     _self.poiFeature.layer.redraw();
530                                                     _self.poiFeature.layer.map.moveTo(_self.poiFeature.geometry.bounds.getCenterLonLat(), 12);
531                                                 }
533                                                 _self.hide();
534                                                 //   _self.destroy();
535                                             } else {
536                                                 Ext.Msg.alert('Attenzione', resp.msg);
537                                             }
539                                         },
540                                         failure: function(form, action) {
541                                             if(_self.busyMask)
542                                                 _self.busyMask.hide();
543                                             Ext.Msg.alert("Load failed", action.result.errorMessage);
544                                         },
545                                         scope: this
546                                     });
548                                 }
549                                 else
550                                     Ext.Msg.alert('Attenzione', "Compilare tutti i campi obbligatori");
552                             }
553                         }, {
554                             text: 'Elimina',
555                             id: 'btnDeletePOI',
556                             cls: 'btnDeletePOI',
557                             disabled: true,
558                             handler: function() {
559                                  Ext.MessageBox.show({
560                                     title : 'Attenzione!',
561                                     msg : 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo Punto di Interesse? Questa operazione è irreversibile.',
562                                     width : 300,
563                                     buttons: Ext.MessageBox.YESNO,
564                                     buttonText:{ 
565                                         yes: "Si", 
566                                         no: "No" 
567                                     },
568                                     fn : myCallback
569                                    // icon : Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION
570                                 });
572                                 function myCallback(btn) {
573                                     if (btn == "yes") {
574                                         _self.delPoi();
575                                         _self.hide();
576                                     }
577                                 }
579                             }
580                         }]
581                 });
583                 this.items = [this._categoryform];
585                 this.openEditPoiForm = function(poiFeature) {
587                     this.title = 'Modifica punto di interesse';
589                     var _self = this;
590                     _self.poiFeature = poiFeature;
591                     _self.poiFeatureNew = null;
592                     this.termsDs.load({params: {method: 'getTerms'}});
593                     _self.poiUUID = (poiFeature) ? poiFeature.poiUUID : null;
595                     if (!this.checkControlClick) {
596                         _self.poiFeature.layer.map.addControl(_self.click);
597                         this.checkControlClick = true;
598                     }
600                     _self.click.activate();
602                     Ext.Ajax.request({
603                         url: this.poiTermCatServeltName,
604                         method: 'POST',
605                         params: {
606                             method: 'loadPoi',
607                             poiID: _self.poiUUID
608                         },
609                         success: function(data) {
611                             var resp = Ext.util.JSON.decode(data.responseText);
613                             this._categoryform.getForm().findField('label').setValue(resp.labels[0].value);
615                             if (resp.enabled)
616                                 _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('public').items.items[0].setValue(true);
617                             else
618                                 _self._categoryform.getForm().findField('public').items.items[1].setValue(true);
621                             if (resp.descriptions.length) {
622                                 this._categoryform.getForm().findField('descriptions').setValue(resp.descriptions[0].value);
623                             }
624                             else
625                                 this._categoryform.getForm().findField('descriptions').setValue("");
627                             var idTerm = this.termsDs.find("term", resp.categories[0].term);
628                             this._categoryform.getForm().items.items[4].setValue(this.termsDs.getAt(idTerm).data.term);
630                             this.categoryByTermDs.baseParams['term'] = resp.categories[0].term;
631                             this.categoryByTermDs.reload();
632                             this.initCat = resp.categories[0].value;
634                             if (resp.address) {
635                                 this._categoryform.getForm().findField('address').setValue(resp.address);
636                             }
637                             else
638                                 this._categoryform.getForm().findField('address').setValue("");
640                             this._categoryform.getForm().findField('update').setValue("<small>data ultimo aggiornamento: " + resp.updated + "<small>");
644                             if (resp.links.length) {
645                                 var externalResField = _self._categoryform.getComponent('poiRes');
646                                 for (var i = 0; i < resp.links.length; i++) {
647                                     if (i > 0) {
648                                         externalResField.onTrigger2Click();
649                                         externalResField = _self._categoryform.getComponent('poiRes_' + (i - 1));
650                                     }
651                                     externalResField.setValue(resp.links[i].href);
652                                 }
653                             }
655                             var coord = new OpenLayers.LonLat(resp.location.points[0].coordinates[0], resp.location.points[0].coordinates[1]);
656                             this.updateCoord(coord);
657                             this.updateISTAT(coord);
659                             if (this.userAuthDS.usertype.description == "Amministratore"
660                                         || this.userAuthDS.usertype.description == "Gestore")
661                                     Ext.getCmp('btnDeletePOI').enable();
664                         },
665                         failure: function(form, action) {
666                             Ext.Msg.alert("Load failed", action.result.errorMessage);
667                         },
668                         scope: this
669                     });
672                 };
675                 this.openEditNewPoiForm = function(poiFeature, position) {
677                     this.title = 'Nuovo punto di interesse';
678                     var _self = this;
679                     _self.poiFeatureNew = poiFeature;
680                     _self.poiFeature = null;
682                     this.termsDs.load({params: {method: 'getTerms'}});
684                     if (!this.checkControlClick) {
685                         _self.poiFeatureNew.layer.map.addControl(_self.click);
686                         this.checkControlClick = true;
687                     }
688                     _self.click.activate();
690                     this._categoryform.getForm().reset();
692                     this.updateCoord(position);
693                     this.updateISTAT(position);
695                     Ext.getCmp('btnDeletePOI').disable();
697                 };
700                 framework.widgets.PoiDataPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
702                 this.on("show", function() {
703                      var tabPanel = Ext.getCmp('tabPanelID');
704                      if(tabPanel){
705                          tabPanel.disable();
706                      }
707                 });
708                 this.on("hide", function() {
709                     var tabPanel = Ext.getCmp('tabPanelID');
710                      if(tabPanel){
711                          tabPanel.enable();
712                      }
713                 })
714             },
715             /** 
716              * Create query string for wfs catasto service
717              * @private
718              */
719             getParameters: function(coord) {
720                 var parameters = {service: this.serviceType, version: this.version, request: this.requestType,
721                     typeName: this.typeName, maxFeatures: this.maxFeatures, outputFormat: 'application/json',
722                     FILTER: '<Filter xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/ogc" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml">' +
723                             '<Intersects><PropertyName>'+this.nameGeometry+'</PropertyName>' +
724                             '<gml:Point srsName="' + this.srs + '">' +
725                             '<gml:coordinates>' + coord.lon + ',' + coord.lat + '</gml:coordinates>' +
726                             '</gml:Point></Intersects></Filter>'};
727                 return parameters;
728             },
729             /** 
730              * Create query string for wfs catasto service
731              * @private
732              */
733             updateCoord: function(coord) {
734                 this._categoryform.getForm().findField('longitude').setValue(coord.lon);
735                 this._categoryform.getForm().findField('latitude').setValue(coord.lat);
736                 this._categoryform.getForm().findField('coordinates').setValue(coord.lon + ',' + coord.lat);
738             },
739             updateISTAT: function(coord) {
741                 Ext.Ajax.request({
742                     method: 'POST',
743                     url: this.urlProxy + this.urlWFS,
744                     params: this.getParameters(coord),
745                     success: function(result, request) {
746                         try {
747                             var obj = Ext.decode(result.responseText);
748                             if (obj && obj.features) {
749                                 if (obj.features.length == 0)
750                                     alert('Nessun comune presente in questa zona');
751                                 else if (obj.features.length == 1) {
753                                     var nome_comune = obj.features[0].properties[this.properties_nome];
754                                     this.istat = obj.features[0].properties[this.properties_istat];
756                                     this._categoryform.getForm().findField('comune').setValue(nome_comune);
757                                     this._categoryform.getForm().findField('istat').setValue(this.istat);
758                                     this.checkPermission();
759                                 }
760                                 else if (obj.features.length > 1)
761                                     alert('Trovati più risultati!\n Affinare la ricerca per stabilire un extent.');
762                             } else
763                                 alert('Il servizio non risponde');
764                         } catch (ex) {
765                             Ext.MessageBox.alert('Error', 'Il servizio è andato in errore!');
766                         }
768                     },
769                     failure: function(result, request) {
770                         if (self.busyMask)
771                             self.busyMask.hide();
772                         //Ext.MessageBox.alert('Error', result.responseText);
773                     },
774                     scope: this
775                 });
776             },
777             updateUserAuth: function(userAuthDS) {
778                 this.userAuthDS = userAuthDS;
779                 if (this.userAuthDS.usertype.description === "Amministratore" || this.userAuthDS.usertype.description === "Gestore")
780                     this._categoryform.getForm().findField('public').enable();
781                 else
782                     this._categoryform.getForm().findField('public').disable();
784                 this.categoryByUserDs.load({
785                     params: {
786                         method: 'getCat4User',
787                         ursId: this.userAuthDS.myid
788                     }});
789             },
790             checkPermission: function() {
792                 var enableISTAT = false;
793                 var enableType = false;
795                 var provinciaInteresse = this.userAuthDS.provinciaInteresse;
796                 var comuneInteresse = this.userAuthDS.comuneInteresse;
798                 if (provinciaInteresse === "Tutte" || provinciaInteresse === "") {
799                     enableISTAT = true;
800                 }
801                 else if (this.istat.search(provinciaInteresse) === 0) {
802                     if (comuneInteresse === "Tutti" || comuneInteresse === "")
803                         enableISTAT = true;
804                     else if (comuneInteresse === this.istat)
805                         enableISTAT = true;
806                 }
808                 var cat = this._categoryform.getForm().findField('category').getValue();
809                 if (this.categoryByUserDs.find('category', cat) !== -1)
810                     enableType = true;
811               //  else
812               //      alert('Utente non abilitato alla categoria selezionata');
814                 if (enableISTAT && enableType)
815                     Ext.getCmp('btnSavePOI').enable();
816                 else
817                     Ext.getCmp('btnSavePOI').disable();
818             }
819             ,
820             delPoi: function() {
822                 var _self = this;
824                 if (_self.poiUUID) {
825                     var myid = _self.poiUUID;
827                     Ext.Ajax.request({
828                            url: _self.poiTermCatServeltName,
829                            headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' },
830                            method: 'POST',
831                            params: {
832                                method: 'deletePoi',
833                                poiID: myid
834                            },
835                            success: function(data) {
836                                if(_self.busyMask)
837                                    _self.busyMask.hide();
838                                var resp = Ext.util.JSON.decode(data.responseText);
839                                if (resp.success) {
840                                    Ext.Msg.alert('Info', resp.msg);
842                                    _self.hide();
844                                     //Aggiorna lista toponimi offLine
845                                     if(!_self.poiVerifyBox){
846                                         _self.poiVerifyBox = Ext.getCmp('idPoiVerifyManagement');
847                                     }   
848                                 _self.poiVerifyBox.pagingBar.doRefresh();
849                                    //   _self.destroy();
850                                } else {
851                                    Ext.Msg.alert('Attenzione', resp.msg);
852                                }
854                            },
855                            failure: function(form, action) {
856                                if(_self.busyMask)
857                                    _self.busyMask.hide();
858                                Ext.Msg.alert("Load failed", action.result.errorMessage);
859                            },
860                            scope: this
861                        });
862                    }
863                    else {
864                        Ext.Msg.alert('Attenzione', "Punto di interesse non inserito in banca dati");
865                    }
867             }
870         });
872 /** api: xtype = framework_panelpoidata */
873 Ext.reg("framework_panelpoidata", framework.widgets.PoiDataPanel);