1 /**
  2  * @fileOverview  
  3  * Copyright (c) 2013 Regione Autonoma della Sardegna
  4  * Published under the GPL license.<br>
  5  * See <a href="https://sardegnageoportale.it/webgis/license.txt">https://sardegnageoportale.it/webgis/license.txt</a>
  6  * for the full text of the license.
  7  * @version 0.1
  8  */
 10 /**
 11  * @include framework/data/Catasto_XLSReader.js
 12  */
 14 /**
 15  * @namespace framework.plugins
 16  */
 18 Ext.namespace('framework.widgets');
 20 /**
 21  * Creates a combo box that handles results from a geocoding service. By
 22  * default it uses Directory OpenLS service by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, but it can be configured with a custom store
 23  * to use other services standard OpenLS. If the user enters a valid address in the search
 24  * box, the combo's store will be populated with records that match the
 25  * address.
 26  * @name_ RoutingPanel
 27  * @class Creates a form that handles results from a routing service OpenLS.
 28  * @constructor
 29  * @extends <a target="_blank" href="http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/3.4.0/#!/api/Ext.form.FormPanel">Ext.Panel</a>
 30  */
 32 framework.widgets.CatastoSearchPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel,
 33     /** 
 34      * @lends framework.widgets.CatastoSearchPanel.prototype 
 35      */
 36         {
 37           /** api: config[urlService]
 38            *  
 39            *  url to proxy for authenticate http calls
 40            *  @public
 41            *  @type String
 42            */
 43           urlService: null,
 44           /** api: config[urlCatasto]
 45            *  
 46            *  url for wfs catasto service
 47            *  @public
 48            *  @type String
 49            */
 50           urlCatasto: null,
 51           /** api: config[serviceType]
 52            *  
 53            *  Service type for catasto service (query string parameter)
 54            *  Default WFS
 55            *  @public
 56            *  @type String
 57            */
 58           serviceType: 'WFS',
 59           /** api: config[version]
 60            *  
 61            *  Version for WFS service (query string parameter)
 62            *  Default 1.0.0
 63            *  @public
 64            *  @type String
 65            */
 66           version: '1.0.0',
 67           /** api: config[GetFeature]
 68            *  
 69            *  Request type for WFS service (query string parameter)
 70            *  Default GetFeature
 71            *  @public
 72            *  @type String
 73            */
 74           requestType: 'GetFeature',
 75           /** api: config[typeName]
 76            * 
 77            *  typeName for WFS service (query string parameter)
 78            *  @public
 79            *  @type String
 80            */
 81           typeName: null,
 82           /** api: config[infoFormat]
 83            *  
 84            *  maxFeatures for WFS service (query string parameter)
 85            *  Default 50
 86            *  @public
 87            *  @type String
 88            */
 89           maxFeatures: 50,
 90           /** api: config[geometryFields]
 91            *  
 92            *  fields from service answer to be transformed on OpenLayers.Bounds
 93            *  @public
 94            *  @type Array of String
 95            */
 96           geometryFields: null,
 97           /** api: config[authorizzationName]
 98            *  
 99            *  Variable used to retrived, server side, autorizzation to the authenticate service
100            *  @public
101            *  @type String
102            */
103           authorizzationName: null,
104           /** api: config[serveltNameCat]
105            *  
106            *  Servlet name to access catasto services
107            *  @public
108            *  @type String
109            */
110           serveltNameCat: 'catastorequest',
111           /** 
112            * Create a panel with a form for catasto search. It draw on map the result found (only if the result is unique)
113            * @private
114            */
115           initComponent: function () {
117             this.map = Ext.getCmp(this.map).map;
118             this.geoJSON = new OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON();
120             var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
121                 '<tpl for=".">',
122                 '<div class="x-combo-list-item"><b>{nomeComune}</b> ({codiceBelfiore})</div>',
123                 '</tpl>'
124                 );
126             this.storeComuniEnabled = new Ext.data.Store({
127               url: this.serveltNameCat,
128               sortInfo: {
129                 field: 'nomeComune',
130                 direction: 'ASC' // or 'DESC' (case sensitive for local sorting)
131               },
132               reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
133                 id: 'id'
134               }, [
135                 {name: 'nomeComune', mapping: 'nome'},
136                 {name: 'codiceBelfiore', mapping: 'codiceBelfiore'}
137               ])
138             });
139             this.storeComuniEnabled.load({params: {method: 'getComuniEnabled'}});
141             this.comboComuni = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
142               // xtype: 'combo',
143               name: 'CODICECOMUNE',
144               id: 'codiceBelfiore',
145               tpl: tpl,
146               mode: 'local',
147               width: 175,
148               listWidth: 160,
149               cellCls: "sideFormTableLayout",
150               store: this.storeComuniEnabled,
151               editable: true,
152             //  enableKeyEvents: true,
153               triggerAction: ' query', 
154              // forceSelection: true,
155               valueField: 'codiceBelfiore',
156               displayField: 'nomeComune',
157               //  emptyText: 'Seleziona un comune...',
158               fieldLabel: 'Comune',
159               labelWidth: 160,
160               labelAlign: 'top'
161             });
163             this.txtFoglio = new Ext.form.TextField({
164               name: 'FOGLIO',
165 //                            value: '14',
166               cellCls: "sideFormTableLayout",
167               enableKeyEvents: true,
168               maxLenghtField: 6,
169               listeners: {
170                 keyup: function (obj, e) {
171                   var value = obj.getValue();
172                   if (value.length > obj.maxLenghtField)
173                     obj.setValue(obj.getValue().substr(0, obj.maxLenghtField));
174                   else
175                     obj.setValue(obj.getValue().toUpperCase());
176                 }
177               }
178             });
179             this.txtSezione = new Ext.form.TextField({
180               name: 'SEZIONE',
181 //                            value: '',
182               cellCls: "sideFormTableLayout",
183               enableKeyEvents: true,
184               maxLenghtField: 6,
185               listeners: {
186                 keyup: function (obj, e) {
187                   var value = obj.getValue();
188                   if (value.length > obj.maxLenghtField)
189                     obj.setValue(obj.getValue().substr(0, obj.maxLenghtField));
190                   else
191                     obj.setValue(obj.getValue().toUpperCase());
192                 }
193               }
194             });
195             this.txtNumero = new Ext.form.TextField({
196               name: 'NUMERO',
197 //                            value: '380',
198               cellCls: "sideFormTableLayout",
199               enableKeyEvents: true,
200               maxLenghtField: 6,
201               listeners: {
202                 keyup: function (obj, e) {
203                   var value = obj.getValue();
204                   if (value.length > obj.maxLenghtField)
205                     obj.setValue(obj.getValue().substr(0, obj.maxLenghtField));
206                   else
207                     obj.setValue(obj.getValue().toUpperCase());
208                 }
209               }
210             });
212             this.btnSearch = new Ext.Button({
213               text: "Cerca",
214               cls: "btnSerchCatasto",
215               cellCls: "sideFormTableLayout",
216               handler: this.validateForm,
217               scope: this
218             }),
219                 this.items = [
220                   {
221                     layout: {
222                       type: 'table',
223                       columns: 2
225                     },
226                     border: false,
227                     items: [
228                       {xtype: "label", text: 'Comune*', cellCls: "sideFormTableLayout"},
229                       this.comboComuni,
230                       {xtype: "label", text: 'Foglio*', cellCls: "sideFormTableLayout"},
231                       this.txtFoglio,
232                       {xtype: "label", text: 'Sezione', cellCls: "sideFormTableLayout"},
233                       this.txtSezione,
234                       {xtype: "label", text: 'Numero', cellCls: "sideFormTableLayout"},
235                       this.txtNumero,
236                       {xtype: "label", text: '', cellCls: "sideFormTableLayout"},
237                       {
238                         layout: {
239                           type: 'table',
240                           columns: 2
241                         },
242                         border: false,
243                         items: [
244                           this.btnSearch, {xtype: "label", style: 'font-size:10px;', text: '(* Campi obbligatori)'}
245                         ]}
246                     ]}
247                 ];
248             framework.widgets.CatastoSearchPanel.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
249             this.on({
250               show: this.reset,
251               scope: this
252             })
253           },
254           /** 
255            * Validate search form
256            * @private
257            */
258           validateForm: function () {
259             var error = '';
260             if (this.comboComuni.getValue().length === 0)
261               error = error + '- Valorizzare campo "Codice comune" \n';
262             if (this.txtFoglio.getValue().length === 0)
263               error = error + '- Valorizzare campo "Foglio" \n';
264             if (this.txtSezione.getValue().length > 0 && this.txtNumero.getValue().length === 0)
265               error = error + '- Se si valorizza il campo "Sezione" Ú obbligatorio valorizzare anche il campo "Numero" \n';
266             if (error != '')
267               alert(error);
268             else
269               this.submit();
270           },
271           /** 
272            * Submit search form
273            * @private
274            */
275           submit: function () {
276             var self = this;
277             if (!this.busyMask) {
278               this.busyMask = new Ext.LoadMask(
279                   this.map.div, {
280                     msg: 'ricerca in corso ...'
281                   }
282               );
283             }
284             if (this.winFather) {
285               var father = this.ownerCt;
286               while (father && father.ownerCt !== null && father.id !== this.winFather) {
287                 father = father.ownerCt;
288               }
289               if (father && father.id === this.winFather)
290                 father.hide();
291             }
292             this.busyMask.show();
294             Ext.Ajax.request({
295               method: 'POST',
296               url: this.urlService + this.urlCatasto,
297               params: this.getParameters(),
298               success: function (result, request) {
299                 self.busyMask.hide();
300                 //result.responseText = '{"type":"FeatureCollection","totalFeatures":1,"features":[{"type":"Feature","id":"PARTICELLECATASTO.fid-58d2dff3_144c043185d_68f4","geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[1478535.143,4443040.794],[1478537.639,4443039.209],[1478544.708,4443034.177],[1478555.885,4443028.172],[1478557.27,4443027.968],[1478565.545,4443022.366],[1478574.003,4443015.627],[1478580.915,4443025.949],[1478576.452,4443029.204],[1478566.555,4443039.546],[1478549.235,4443056.163],[1478538.334,4443047.851],[1478535.143,4443040.794]]]},"geometry_name":"POLIGONO","properties":{"IDFEATURE":56329846,"CODICECOMUNE":"A007","FOGLIO":14,"SEZIONE":"_","NUMERO":"380","QUALITACOD":null,"QUALITADESCR":null,"SUPERFICIENOMINALE":null,"SUPERFICIENOMPORZIONE":null,"AREA":741,"ALLEGATO":"0","SVILUPPO":"0","bbox":[1478535.143,4443015.627,1478580.915,4443056.163]}}],"crs":{"type":"EPSG","properties":{"code":"3003"}},"bbox":[1478535.143,4443015.627,1478580.915,4443056.163]}';
301                 try {
302                   var obj = Ext.decode(result.responseText);
303                   if (obj && obj.features) {
304                     if (obj.features.length === 0)
305                       alert('Nessun dato trovato');
306                     else if (obj.features.length === 1)
307                       self.drawPolygon(self.geoJSON.parseGeometry(obj.features[0].geometry));
308                     else if (obj.features.length > 1)
309                       alert('Trovati più risultati!\n Affinare la ricerca per stabilire un extent.');
310                   } else
311                     alert('Il catasto non risponde');
312                 } catch (ex) {
313                   Ext.MessageBox.alert('Error', 'Il servizio Ú andato in errore!');
314                 }
316               },
317               failure: function (result, request) {
318                 self.busyMask.hide();
319                 Ext.MessageBox.alert('Error', result.responseText);
320               }
321             });
322           },
323           /** 
324            * Create query string for wfs catasto service
325            * @private
326            */
327           getParameters: function () {
328             var typeName = this.typeNameFogli;
329             if (this.txtSezione.getValue().length > 0 || this.txtNumero.getValue().length > 0) {
330               typeName = this.typeNameParticelle;
331             }
332             var parameters = {service: this.serviceType, version: this.version, request: this.requestType,
333               typeName: typeName, maxFeatures: this.maxFeatures, outputFormat: 'application/json',
334               FILTER: this.getQueryFilter(),
335               authorizzationName: this.authorizzationName};
336             return parameters;
337           },
338           /** 
339            * Create filter for query string
340            * @private
341            */
342           getQueryFilter: function () {
343             var filter = '<Filter><And>';
344             filter = filter + this.getEqualFilter(this.comboComuni.getName(), this.comboComuni.getValue());
345             filter = filter + this.getEqualFilter(this.txtFoglio.getName(), this.txtFoglio.getValue());
346             if (this.txtSezione.getValue().length > 0) {
347               filter = filter + this.getEqualFilter(this.txtSezione.getName(), this.txtSezione.getValue());
348             }
349             if (this.txtNumero.getValue().length > 0) {
350               filter = filter + this.getEqualFilter(this.txtNumero.getName(), this.txtNumero.getValue());
351             }
352             return filter + '</And></Filter>';
353           },
354           /** 
355            * Create equal condition for query string filter
356            * @private
357            */
358           getEqualFilter: function (PropertyName, literal) {
359             return '<PropertyIsEqualTo><PropertyName>' + PropertyName +
360                 '</PropertyName><Literal>' + literal + '</Literal></PropertyIsEqualTo>'
361           },
362           /** 
363            * Draw poligon extent on map
364            * @private
365            */
366           drawPolygon: function (polygon) {
367             //Se utilizzato in ambiente di ricerca, agganciare a questo evento la pulizia della mappa
369             this.map.events.triggerEvent('cleanSearchObjects');
370             this.layerExtent.events.remove('featureselected');
372             this.layerExtent.destroyFeatures();
373             if (window.popupAddr) {
374               window.popupAddr.close();
375               window.popupAddr.destroy();
376             }
377             if (this.map.getLayerIndex(this.layerExtent) === -1) {
378               this.map.addLayer(this.layerExtent)
379             }
380             this.layerExtent.events.remove('featureselected');
381             var controlosToDelete = this.map.getControlsByClass("OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature");
382             for (var i = 0; controlosToDelete && i < controlosToDelete.length; i++) {
383               controlosToDelete[i].deactivate();
384               this.map.removeControl(controlosToDelete[i]);
385               controlosToDelete[i].destroy();
386             }
388             this.map.setLayerIndex(this.layerExtent, this.map.layers.length - 1);
389             this.map.boundRicerca = polygon;
391             this.map.zoomToExtent(polygon.getBounds());
392             //this.map.setCenter(geometry.getBounds().getCenterLonLat(),this.map.getZoom());
394             this.map.setCenter(polygon.getCentroid(), this.map.getZoom());
396             var style = OpenLayers.Util.extend({
397               cursor: "inherit",
398               fillColor: '#ee9900',
399               fillOpacity: 0.4,
400               strokeColor: "#ee9900",
401               strokeDashstyle: "solid",
402               strokeLinecap: "round",
403               strokeOpacity: 1,
404               strokeWidth: 1
405             }, OpenLayers.Feature.Vector.style['custom']);
407             var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(polygon, null, style);
408             this.layerExtent.addFeatures(feature);
409             this.fireEvent('drawn');
410           },
411           /** 
412            * Reset search form
413            * @private
414            */
415           reset: function () {
416             this.comboComuni.setValue('');
417             this.txtFoglio.setValue('');
418             this.txtNumero.setValue('');
419             this.txtSezione.setValue('');
420           }
421         });
423     /** api: xtype = framework_catastosearchpanel */
424     Ext.reg("framework_catastosearchpanel", framework.widgets.CatastoSearchPanel);