1 /**
  2 * @fileOverview  
  3 * Copyright (c) 2013 Regione Autonoma della Sardegna
  4 * Published under the GPL license.<br>
  5 * See <a href="https://sardegnageoportale.it/webgis/license.txt">https://sardegnageoportale.it/webgis/license.txt</a>
  6 * for the full text of the license.
  7 * @version 0.1
  8 */
 10 /**
 11  * @namespace framework.plugins
 12  */
 13 Ext.namespace("framework.widgets"),
 15 /** 
 16  *  Panel search engine container.
 17  *  This implementation manage different search engine. 
 18  *  By default, place a comboBox to switch different search engine components located inside the panel. 
 19  *  @name_ PanelSearch 
 20  *  @class Panel search engine container.
 21  *  @constructor
 22  *  @extends <a target="_blank" href="http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.1.3/#!/api/Ext.panel.Panel">Ext.Panel</a>
 23  */
 24 framework.widgets.PanelSearch = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, 
 25 /** 
 26 * @lends framework.widgets.PanelSearch.prototype 
 27 */
 28 {
 29     /**
 30     * index of active search engine component
 31     * @public
 32     * @type number
 33     */
 34     activeElem:2,
 36     /** 
 37     * Create a panel with one search component active, a comboBox as a switcher 
 38     * search engine and a botton to perform the search on the active componet.
 39     * @private
 40     */ 
 41     initComponent: function() {
 43         var searchList = [];
 44         for(i=0;i<this.items.length;i++){
 45             if(i>0){
 46                this.items[i].hidden = true;
 47             }
 48             searchList.push([i,this.items[i],this.items[i].nome]);
 49         }
 50         var firstElem = searchList[0][2];
 51         var store = new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
 52             fields: [
 53                 'id',
 54                 'nameBox',
 55                 'displayText'
 56             ],
 57             data: searchList,
 58             value:firstElem
 59         });
 61         this.combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox(Ext.apply({
 62                 store: store,
 63                 id: 'idComboBoxPanelSearch',
 64                 mode: 'local',                    
 65                 typeAhead: false, 
 66                 editable:false,
 67                 forceSelection:true,
 68                 triggerAction: 'all',
 69                 emptyText:'Select a state...',
 70                 value: firstElem,
 71                 valueField: 'nameBox',
 72                 displayField: 'displayText',
 73                 width: 130,
 74                 cls:'panelsearch',
 75                 listeners: {
 76                     select: function(combo, record, index) {
 77                         var idx = index+2;
 78                         if(this.activeElem !== idx){
 79                             this.items.items[this.activeElem].setVisible(false);
 80                             this.items.items[idx].setVisible(true);
 81                             if (this.items.items[idx].store !== undefined) {
 82                                 this.items.items[idx].store.clearData();
 83                             }
 84                             this.activeElem = idx;
 86                             if(this.items.items[idx].layer)
 87                                this.items.items[idx].layer.destroyFeatures(); 
 89                             if (window.popupAddr)
 90                                 window.popupAddr.destroy();	
 92                         }
 93                 },
 94                     scope: this                    
 95                 }
 96             }, this.outputConfig)); 
 98         // send search request to the active search engine component
 99         this.button = new Ext.Button({ 
100             text:'',
101             id: 'buttonSearch',
102             father:this,
103             iconCls: 'gxp-icon-buttonSearch',
104             width:70,
105             height:36,
106             padding: '0 0 0 0',
107             defaultType: 'splitbutton',
108             /*style:{
109                float: 'right',
110                height: '36px'
111             },*/
112             cls: "buttonSearch",
113             listeners: {
114                 click: function(){
115                   //  var searchText = this.father.items.items[this.father.activeElem].getValue();
116                     var searchText = this.father.items.items[this.father.activeElem].textSearch;
117                     if(!searchText)
118                         searchText = this.father.items.items[this.father.activeElem].getValue();
119                    // this.father.items.items[this.father.activeElem].store.load();
120                     this.father.items.items[this.father.activeElem].focus();
121                     this.father.items.items[this.father.activeElem].setValue(searchText);
122                     this.father.items.items[this.father.activeElem].doQuery(searchText,true);
123                 }
124             }
126         });
127         var items = [];  
128         items.push(this.combo);
129         items.push(this.button);
130         for(i=0;i<this.items.length;i++){
131             items.push(this.items[i]);
132         }
133         this.items = items;
135         var objReturn = framework.widgets.PanelSearch.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
136         return objReturn;
137     },
139     selectItem: function(index) {
140         var idx = index+2;
141         if(this.activeElem !== idx){
142             this.items.items[this.activeElem].setVisible(false);
143             this.items.items[idx].setVisible(true);
144             if (this.items.items[idx].store !== undefined) {
145                 this.items.items[idx].store.clearData();
146             }
147             this.activeElem = idx;
149             //if(this.items.items[idx].layer)
150             //   this.items.items[idx].layer.destroyFeatures(); 
151             /*if (window.popupAddr)
152                 window.popupAddr.destroy();	*/
153             this.combo.setValue(this.combo.initialConfig.store.data.items[index].data.displayText);
154         }
156     }
157 });
159 /** api: xtype = framework_panelsearch */
160 Ext.reg("framework_panelsearch", framework.widgets.PanelSearch);