1 /**
  2 * @fileOverview  
  3 * Copyright (c) 2013 Regione Autonoma della Sardegna
  4 * Published under the GPL license.<br>
  5 * See <a href="https://sardegnageoportale.it/webgis/license.txt">https://sardegnageoportale.it/webgis/license.txt</a>
  6 * for the full text of the license.
  7 * @version 0.1
  8 */
 10 /**
 11  * @require plugins/Tool.js
 12  * @require GeoExt/widgets/Action.js
 13  */
 15 /**
 16  * @namespace framework.plugins
 17  */
 18 Ext.ns("framework.plugins");
 20 /** 
 21  *  Show buttons and form to login and logout.
 22  *  @name_ Login 
 23  *  @class Show buttons and form to login and logout.
 24  *  @constructor
 25  *  @extends <a target="_blank" href="http://gxp.opengeo.org/master/doc/lib/plugins/Tool.html">gxp.plugins.Tool</a>
 26  */
 27 framework.plugins.Login = Ext.extend(gxp.plugins.Tool, 
 28  /** 
 29 * @lends framework.plugins.Login.prototype 
 30 */
 31 {
 32     /**
 33     * framework_login plugin type.
 34     * @public
 35     * @type String
 36     */
 37     ptype: "framework_login",
 39     /** 
 40     * the base Ajax Url for ajax request
 41     * default ""
 42     * @public
 43     * @type String
 44     */
 45     baseUrl: "",
 47     /** 
 48     * name field for username
 49     * default "username"
 50     * @public
 51     * @type String
 52     */
 53     userFieldName:'username',
 55     /** 
 56     * name field for username
 57     * default "password"
 58     * @public
 59     * @type String
 60     */
 61     pwdFieldName:'password',
 63     /** 
 64     * name field for username
 65     * default "Codice Fiscale"
 66     * @public
 67     * @type String
 68     */
 69     codFiscFieldName:'codicefiscale',
 71     serveltName: 'POIManagingServlet',
 72     baseUrl: '',
 73     userAuthDS: null,
 75     /**
 76      * Adds the action to be runned on click event
 77      * @private
 78      */
 79     addActions: function() {
 80         this.logged = false; //initially user is not logged
 81         var map = this.target.mapPanel.map;
 82         var _self = this;
 83         var action = new GeoExt.Action({
 84             iconCls: "gxp-icon-logoff",
 85             tooltipText: "Login",
 86             map: map,
 87             handler: function() {
 88                 if (_self.logged) {
 89                     _self.logoff(_self);
 90                 } else {                    
 91                     _self.showLoginWindow();
 92                 }
 93             }
 94         });
 95         return framework.plugins.Login.superclass.addActions.apply(this, [action]);
 96     },
 98     /** 
 99      * logoff method. 
100      * @public
101      */    
102     logoff: function(self) {
103         self.actions[0].items[0].setIconClass("gxp-icon-logoff");
104         self.logged = false;
105         self.fireEvent('logged_out');
106     },
108     /** 
109      * Shows a login form.
110      * @public
111      */
112     showLoginWindow: function() {
113         var _self = this;
114         this.loginWindow = new Ext.FormPanel({
115             labelWidth: 80,
116             url: this.baseUrl + 'Login',
117             frame: true,
118             title: 'Accesso utente',
119             defaultType: 'textfield',
120             monitorValid: true,
121             // Specific attributes for the text fields for username / password. 
122             // The "name" attribute defines the name of variables sent to the server.
123             items: [/*{
124                 id: 'userName',
125                 fieldLabel: 'Nome utente',
126                 name: this.userFieldName,
127                 allowBlank: false,
128                 listeners: {
129                     specialkey: function(field, event) {
130                         if (event.getKey() === event.ENTER) {
131                             _self.login();
132                         }
133                     }
134                 }
135             },*/ {
136                 id: 'codFisc',
137                 fieldLabel: 'Username',
138                 name: this.codFiscFieldName,
139                 inputType: 'codFisc',
140                 allowBlank: true,
141                 listeners: {
142                     specialkey: function(field, event) {
143                         if (event.getKey() === event.ENTER) {
144                            // _self.login();
145                             _self.loginCFISC();   
146                         }
147                     }
148                 }
149             }, {
150                 id: 'loginPwd',
151                 fieldLabel: 'Password',
152                 name: this.pwdFieldName,
153                 inputType: 'password',
154                 allowBlank: false,
155                 listeners: {
156                     specialkey: function(field, event) {
157                         if (event.getKey() === event.ENTER) {
158                            // _self.login();
159                             _self.loginCFISC();   
160                         }
161                     }
162                 }
163             }],
164             // All the magic happens after the user clicks the button     
165             buttons: [
166                 {
167                     text: 'Annulla',
168                     handler: function() {
169                         _self.win.hide();
170                         _self.win.destroy();
171                     }
172                 },
173                 {
174                     text: 'Login',
175                     formBind: true,
176                     // Function that fires when user clicks the button 
177                     handler: function() {
178                         //_self.login();
179                         _self.loginCFISC();        
180                     }
181                 }]
182         });
184         // This just creates a window to wrap the login form. 
185         // The login object is passed to the items collection.       
186         this.win = new Ext.Window({
187             layout: 'fit',
188             width: 250,
189             height: 150,
190             closable: false,
191             resizable: false,
192             plain: true,
193             border: false,
194             items: [this.loginWindow]
195         });
197         this.win.show();
198     },
200     /** 
201      * Requests a digest based on client ip to server side servlet
202      * @public
203      * @param {function} onSuccess function called when digest value is received.
204      * @param {Strng} text password
205      */
206     getDigest: function(text, onSuccess) {
207         Ext.Ajax.request({
208             method: 'POST',
209             url: this.baseUrl + 'Digest',
210             params: {txt: text},
211             success: function(response, opts) {
212                 var obj = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
213                 if (Ext.isDefined(obj.value)) {
214                     onSuccess(obj.value);
215                 } else {
216                     Ext.MessageBox.alert('Errore', obj.error);
217                 }
218             },
219             failure: function(response, opts) {
220                 Ext.MessageBox.alert('Errore', 'server-side failure with status code ' + response.status);
221                 console.log('server-side failure with status code ' + response.status);
222             }
223         });
224     },
226     /**
227      * send login request to the server
228      * @public
229      */
230     login: function() {
231         var pwd = Ext.getCmp('loginPwd');
232         if (Ext.isDefined(pwd.getValue())) {
233             var _self = this;
234             _self.getDigest(pwd.getValue(), function(value) {
235                 pwd.setValue(value);
236                 _self.loginWindow.getForm().submit({
237                     method: 'POST',
238                     waitTitle: 'Connessione al server',
239                     waitMsg: 'Invio richiesta...',
240                     // Functions that fire (success or failure) when the server responds. 
241                     // The one that executes is determined by the 
242                     // response that comes from Login servlet as seen below. The server would 
243                     // actually respond with valid JSON, 
244                     // something like: response.write "{ success: true}" or 
245                     // response.write "{ success: false, errors: { reason: 'Login failed. Try again.' }}" 
246                     // depending on the logic contained within your server script.
247                     // If a success occurs, the user is notified with an alert messagebox, 
248                     // and when they click "OK", they are redirected to whatever page
249                     // you define as redirect. 
251                     success: function() {
252                         _self.actions[0].items[0].setIconClass("gxp-icon-login");
253                         _self.fireEvent('logged_in');
254                         _self.logged = true;
255                         if (Ext.getCmp('codFisc').getValue()) {
256                             _self.loginCFISC(Ext.getCmp('codFisc'));
257                         }
258                         _self.win.hide();
259                         _self.win.destroy();            
260                     },
261                     // Failure function, see comment above re: success and failure. 
262                     // You can see here, if login fails, it throws a messagebox
263                     // at the user telling him / her as much.  
265                     failure: function(form, action) {
266                         if (action.failureType == 'server') {
267                             obj = Ext.util.JSON.decode(action.response.responseText);
268                             Ext.Msg.alert('Errore login', obj.errors.reason);
269                         } else {
270                             Ext.Msg.alert('Attenzione', 'Il server per l\'autenticazione<BR/> non è raggiungibile: ' + action.response.responseText);
271                         }
272                         _self.loginWindow.getForm().reset();
273                     }
274                 });
275             });
276         } else {
277             Ext.Msg.alert('Attenzione', 'Non è stata inserita alcuna password');
278         }
279     },
281     /**
282      * send login request to the server
283      * @public
284      */
285     loginCFISC: function() {
287         var codFisc = Ext.getCmp('codFisc');
288         var pwd = Ext.getCmp('loginPwd');
290         if (Ext.isDefined(codFisc.getValue()) && Ext.isDefined(pwd.getValue())) {
292             this.userAuthDS = new Ext.data.Store({
293                url: this.baseUrl+this.serveltName,
294                reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
295                  id: 'myid'
296                }, [
297                  {name: 'myid', mapping: 'myid'},
298                  {name: 'firstname', mapping:'firstname'},
299                  {name: 'lastname', mapping: 'lastname'},
300                  {name: 'usertype', mapping:'usertype.description'},
301                  {name: 'codfiscale', mapping: 'codfiscale'},
302                  {name: 'provinciaInteresse', mapping: 'provinciaInteresse'},
303                  {name: 'comuneInteresse', mapping: 'comuneInteresse'},   
304                  {name: 'comuneInteresse', mapping: 'comuneInteresse'}, 
305                  {name: 'validFlag', mapping: 'validFlag'}    
306                ]),
307                listeners: {
308                     load: function() {
309                         if (this.userAuthDS.data.items[0].data.validFlag) {
310                             this.actions[0].items[0].setIconClass("gxp-icon-login");
311                             this.fireEvent('logged_in_auth');
313                         this.logged = true;
315                         this.win.hide();
316                         this.win.destroy(); 
318                         }
319                         else
320                              Ext.Msg.alert('Accesso negato','Utenza non abilitata');
321                     },
322                     loadexception: function( misc ){
323                         Ext.Msg.alert('Errore','Utenza non presente nel sistema o credenziali non corrette.');
324                         // do something about the record exception
325                     },
326                     scope:this
327                }
328              });
330            this.userAuthDS.load({
331                params: {
332                    method: 'getUser',
333                    codfiscale: codFisc.getValue(),
334                    password: pwd.getValue()
335                }
336            });
338         }
339     }
341 });
343 Ext.preg(framework.plugins.Login.prototype.ptype, framework.plugins.Login);