1 /**
  2  * @fileOverview  
  3  * Copyright (c) 2013 Regione Autonoma della Sardegna
  4  * Published under the GPL license.<br>
  5  * See <a href="https://sardegnageoportale.it/webgis/license.txt">https://sardegnageoportale.it/webgis/license.txt</a>
  6  * for the full text of the license.
  7  * @version 0.1
  8  */
 10 /**
 11  * @namespace framework.plugins
 12  */
 13 Ext.namespace("framework.plugins");
 15 var __attributionMap = new Object();
 17 /** 
 18  *  Provides a control to add attribution data that is also clickable
 19  *  @name_ ClickableAttribution
 20  *  @class ClickableAttribution
 21  *  @constructor
 22  *  @extends <a target="_blank" href="http://gxp.opengeo.org/master/doc/lib/plugins/Tool.html">gxp.plugins.Tool</a>
 23  */
 24 framework.plugins.ClickableAttribution = Ext.extend(gxp.plugins.Tool,
 25     /** 
 26      * @lends framework.plugins.ClickableAttribution.prototype 
 27      */
 28         {
 29           /**
 30            * @cfg {OpenLayers.Layer} layer
 31            * The {@link OpenLayers.Layer} to bind this ClickableAttribution to.
 32            */
 33           /**
 34            * @cfg {String} text
 35            * The text to show as attribution data
 36            */
 37           /**
 38            * @cfg {String} params
 39            * Additional parameters to send to click event
 40            */
 41           /**
 42            * plugin type.
 43            * @public
 44            * @type String
 45            */
 46           ptype: "framework_clickableattribution",
 47           /**
 48            * Text to show in attribution
 49            * @private
 50            * @type String
 51            */
 52           _text: null,
 53           /**
 54            * Layer associated to this attribution
 55            * @private
 56            * @type OpenLayers.Layer
 57            */
 58           _layer: null,
 59           /**
 60            * Additional parameters to send to event
 61            * @private
 62            * @type Object
 63            */
 64           _additionalParameters: null,
 65           /**
 66            * @private
 67            * @param {Object} config configuration.
 68            */
 69           constructor: function(config) {
 70             this._layer = config.layer;
 71             this._text = config.text;
 72             this._additionalParameters = config.params;
 73             __attributionMap[this._layer.id] = this;
 74             //now we will build the clickable object
 75             this._layer.attribution = this.encapsulate();
 76             this.addEvents('click');
 78             // Copy configured listeners into *this* object so 
 79             // that the base class's constructor will add them.
 80             this.listeners = config.listeners;
 82             // Call our superclass constructor to complete
 83             // construction process.
 84             framework.plugins.ClickableAttribution.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
 85           },
 86           /**
 87            * Encapsulates attribution text with html to manage click event
 88            * @private
 89            * @param {String} text attribution text
 90            * @return {String} text encapsulated with event calling
 91            */
 92           encapsulate: function() {
 93             var ris = '<i><span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="';
 94             ris += "__attributionOnClick('" + this._layer.id + "'";
 95             if (Ext.isDefined(this._additionalParameters)) {
 96               var sParam = Ext.util.JSON.encode(this._additionalParameters);
 97               sParam = sParam.replace(/"/g, "\\'");
 98               ris += ", '" + sParam +"'";
 99             }
100             ris += ');">' + this._text + '</span></i>';
101             return ris;
102           }
104         });
106     Ext.preg(framework.plugins.ClickableAttribution.prototype.ptype, framework.plugins.ClickableAttribution);
108     /**
109      * Manage events for registered objects
110      * @param {int} layerId layer used to identify attribution control to call
111      * @param {Object} parameters parameters to send to event manager
112      * @private
113      */
114     function __attributionOnClick(layerId, parameters) {
115       var clickableAtt = __attributionMap[layerId];
116       if (Ext.isDefined(clickableAtt)) {
117         //send event
118         clickableAtt.fireEvent('click', clickableAtt._layer, Ext.util.JSON.decode(parameters));
119       }
120     }